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Subsidies and Refunds

My Macabbi

Preservation of the cost of a deductible amounting to NIS 2,956, as part of the expansion of the pregnancy and childbirth package provided by the HMO, which allows the preservation of cord blood for 15 years (can be extended, with an additional payment, for 5 more years.)

Visit the Macabbi website for additional details >


My Macabbi

Clalit Mushlum Platinum

Preservation of the cost of a deductible of up to NIS 2,000, the maximum of the HMO's pregnancy and childbirth package, allows for the preservation of cord blood for 20 years.

Visit the Clalit website for additional details >


Clalit Mushlum Platinum

Leumit Gold

Preservation of the cost of a deductible of up to NIS 2,000, the maximum of the HMO's pregnancy and childbirth package, allows for the preservation of cord blood for 20 years.

Visit the Leumit website for additional details >


Leumit Gold


Preservation of the cost of a deductible amounting to NIS 3,070, as part of the expansion of the pregnancy and childbirth package provided by the HMO, which allows the preservation of cord blood for 15 years (can be extended, with an additional payment, for 5 more years).

Visit the Meuhedet website for additional details >

