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Cord Blood - A Glance at its Uses

The number of defects and diseases the human body can be afflicted with is enormous. Sometimes it is still surprising to discover new illnesses every once in a while. In practice, it cannot be otherwise - the extension of our life expectancy, the fast pace, and the abundance in which we live - all have their dark sides. One of them is diseases.

Clinical Studies in Umbilical Cord Blood

Professor Joanne Kurtzberg, an American scientist and family physician specializing in pediatric hematology and cord blood-based transplants in children, is a pioneer in the field that began some three decades ago with research conducted at Duke University in the United States. In addition, the university also established a cord blood bank that today stores tens of thousands of units from donors who are not family members.

Professor Kurtzberg paved the way for research in children diagnosed as being of the autism spectrum, having cerebral palsy, brain injuries, and various types of cancer. Over the years, many more studies were added worldwide and in Israel at Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center.

Today, several continuing and active studies are being conducted at the Sheba Medical Center in the US, South Korea, and Australia.  

When is cord blood used?

We have grown used to hearing about medical treatments as part of bone marrow transplants. These are relatively veteran treatments that, in many cases, have proven themselves. The use of stem cells derived from cord blood is part of the evolution of the development of stem cell therapy. The potential discovered in stem cells coming from the cord blood lies in genetic diseases.

Treatment through cord blood must be part of the medical protocol. Although not yet a first line of treatment, the number of cases in which the question of whether it is time to use cord blood in treatments is increasing, and the relevance of its use are being examined.

Still, each case must be studied individually, and the medical community is still being exposed to it and studying its use.
There is a significant appreciation for the breakthrough that cord blood is making as part of the healing and recovery processes, primarily in intriguing research on the topic of healing using autologous cord blood being conducted at the Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center by Dr. Omer Bar-Yosef in the areas of autism, congenital heart defects and cerebral palsy.

If a disability or illness has been discovered in your child and cord blood is available, please, consult us. 

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