The National Cord Blood Center is located on the Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center campus. The private cord blood bank was established in 1996 by Professor Arnon Nagler, who performed the first cord blood transplant in Israel in 1994.
The National Cord Blood Center is a familial cord blood bank fully owned by the government hospital, which also includes the laboratories where the clinical tests of the blood units are performed and kept in the preservation farm located at the hospital.
A portion of the National Cord Blood Center's revenue is transferred to conduct clinical research at Sheba, where two studies are underway.
The minute a national cord blood center is established at a government medical center, it means there is no fear concerning its existence. It is here to stay.
Sheba is the top-ranking medical center in Israel and among the ten best hospitals in the world
The home of the National Cord Blood Center is a stable, reliable, and advanced home, and selected for the fourth consecutive time by the American magazine Newsweek as one of the ten best hospitals in the world.
Sheba is currently home to three parallel cord blood studies under Dr. Omer Bar-Yosef's supervision regarding autism, cerebral palsy, and cancer.
Cord blood is preserved for 25 years
The decision for how long to keep the umbilical cord blood unit is derived from tests conducted on older blood units and according to which the decrease in the quality of the unit can be determined. The data from the professional literature and the clinical documentation indicate that as of 2022, it is possible to preserve a unit of umbilical cord blood for 25 years.
The National Cord Blood Center is subject to a permit from the Health Ministry and stringent international standards.