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Preserving Cord Blood-
The Starting Point for a Healthy Life

The golden window of preserving cord blood is a few minutes immediately after childbirth. Its true significance is measured when needed as an additional line of treatment, and there is no price for that. The progenitor cells in the umbilical cord blood can differentiate into any cell in the body. Thanks to them, it is possible to save lives and ensure the integrity of the family. Cord blood can assist in treating and healing quite a few problems and diseases in the body, recovery from various types of cancer, cardiac problems among newborns, and improving function in autism and cerebral palsy.


Check your eligibility for the participation of your HMO in cord blood preservation.

Preserve Cord Blood and Enjoy A Refund

The preservation of cord blood involves a financial expense. Subsidy of part of the cost (which is expressed in reimbursements of thousands of NIS) - is done through the pregnancy basket that the mother receives from the various HMOs. Reimbursements can also be received through various private health insurance policies.